Learning through tactile experience is the most fun and effective way to link both sights and sounds in baby’s exploration. According to Jean Piaget (1896), baby’s cognitive skills is advanced when we provide appropriate learning experiences and materials to stimulate the 5 senses.
Let our Sensory Fun Box help develop your child’s cognitive skills and at the same time enhance your bond with them! From working out their gross motor skills, increasing hand-eye coordination to stimulating their auditory senses, our infant-toddler specialists have sourced the best and most effective materials for you. We even put together a bilingual Spotify Playlist based on this theme for free play!
My Family Sensory Box is centered around people in our daily lives, like family. The items are also closely linked to our Montessori Moments and Bonding Moments Lessons.
This Sensory Fun Box is created in collaboration with Dough Little Play Dough and Baron & Co.